Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programme (ZAGP)

Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programme (ZAGP)

The Zimbabwe Agriculture Growth Programme (ZAGP) delegation under the Inclusive Poultry Value Chain (IPVC) comprising of Representatives from COSPE, and SAT, and an International Animal Nutritionist visited pigad supported smallholder poultry producers in Domboshava, Goromonzi District.   

Through this exchange visit the IPVC delegates gained an in-depth first-hand information on smallholder poultry. The delegates had a direct contact with smallholder poultry farmers producing own layer feed.  pigad has been advising smallholder farmers to formulate their own feed as a way to cut the prevailing high feed costs, which have been leaving smallholder egg producers with very little profits. The delegates advised the smallholder farmers to consider production of other supplementary feeding options such as Lucerne and other palatable vegetables.  Lucerne contains a high protein content of between 16 to 20%.

The International Nutritionist will be returning to Zimbabwe early next year to offer intensive feed formulation trainings in March 2020.

Click this link to view the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Bt10HUGXLc

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